"Reflections" is the speech my husband Henry gave at the closing ceremonies of 'The Moving Wall Experience' on Veteran's Day 2003 in Birmingham, Alabama at Elmwood Cemetary. I hope you like it....
Veteran’s Day 2003 ~ Birmingham, Alabama
Perhaps the most memorable thing to those who visit “The Wall” on any given day is the reflections……It’s reflections
have made it famous almost since day one.
There’s alot of people that will never actually realize the powers of those reflections like another Vietnam Vet. It’s
pretty hard to even begin to explain it……
To say the least…
Some things just cannot be put into words.
I think perhaps the best way to say it from
a Vietnam Veterans point of view is…..
Standing before that massive list of
names on that granite wall & seeing my reflection
in it’s polished surface connects me back to those
who paid the ultimate price……
When I look at my own reflection on its face I feel
that we are all together once again…..
Thousands of men & women forever bound
within the same reflection with no difference made
by which one made it home & which one didn’t……
My own reflection silently whispers back to me……
We will forever be all one……
Soldiers, brothers who fought in Vietnam….
For some unknown reasons I was lucky & I made the
journey home, altho differently than the names
etched in stone…..Forever I’ll wonder exactly why…..
But while I’m wondering what the reason may be I’ve
been trying to spend my time helping others who
made it back like me , together we will go on fighting whichever war we must, & every time I see my own
reflection upon that granite wall I’ll whisper back …..
& know that I am heard because there are no barrier’s
there when I look into the wall…… We are simply…..
All the soldiers that are forever bound by Vietnam.…..
I can sense every Vietnam Veteran that sees their own reflection there upon its face is connected just the
same as I …..
It’s not something that we exchange in words,
it’s in their look or a simple ……“Welcome Home”.
Those of us that did make it home from Vietnam ….
Many of us came home with other battles that we
have continuously fought for over 30 years…..
Some of us have lost those battles or we have lost
more buddies right here in our own country
& we still do. For that reason I hope that you have
taken a few minutes to visit Jennie LeFevre
& The Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange
“Quilt Of Tears” display. Just as clearly as you feel
the connections to “The Wall” I think you can connect
to the Agent Orange “Quilt Of Tears”…
You are not alone there either ….
Just like the “Wall” I am sure you will see some
more reflections……there upon these quilts……
We are all forever bound by Vietnam……
Thank you & Welcome Home!