Accepting Loss   The Cycle Of Grief

When we experience any kind of devastating loss, whether it is 
the loss of a loved one, a dream, or a relationship, feelings may arise within us that are overwhelming or difficult to cope with.  This sense of grief can also come up when we are separated from anyone or anything we have welcomed into our lives. And while 
it may feel like we are caught up in a never-ending spiral of sadness and emptiness, it is important to remember that the 
grief we are feeling is not a permanent state of being. Rather, 
grief is part of the process of letting go that in many ways can 
be a gift, allowing us to go deeper within ourselves to 
rediscover the light amidst the seeming darkness.  

The emotions that accompany any kind of loss can be intense 
and varied. A sense of shock or denial is often the first reaction, 
to be replaced by anger. Sometimes this anger can be directed
 at your loved one for "abandoning" you; at other times you may feel outrage toward the universe for what you are enduring. 
And while there are stages of grief that people go through - 
moving from denial to anger to bargaining to depression to acceptance - the cycles of grief often move in spirals, sometimes circling forward and then back again. You may even experience moments of strength, faith, and laughter in between. While these emotions seem to come and go sporadically, it is important to 
feel them, accept them, and allow them to flow. With time, patience, and compassion, you will eventually find your 
center again. 

As we move through our grief, we may find ourselves reluctant 
to release our pain, fearing we are letting go of who or what we have lost. We may even regard our movement toward healing as 
an act of disloyalty or giving up.  Know that while the hurt may fade, the essence of what you had and who you loved will have already transformed you and forever stay with you.  If anything, once you are ready for the pain of your loss to subside, their memories can then live more fully within you. Remember, that healing is a part of the spiraling cycles of grief, and that in 
letting yourself feel restored again, you are surrendering to a natural movement that is part of the dance of life.

This page is dedicated 
to my granddaughter, 

Hope Nicole Snyder  
March 13th, 2004 

July 25th, 2005

and  to my other 
grandchildren that held 
my hand giving me the 
& courage to bring me 
through some of the 
darkest hours I ever knew,
 proving to me that
is always there...

~ Todays Daily Motivator ~
By Ralph Marston
~ The Daily OM ~
Nurturing Mind, Body & Spirit

Albert Schweitzer said so well, 

"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light." 
During those difficult times they rekindled one another's light.

Who rekindles your light?
 Who blows your light into flame when it 
threatens to flicker out?

 Sometimes this person is a relative, sometimes a teacher, or a minister, or a special friend. If you need the light of your spirit rekindled during this bleak time,there are those who will listen and care.

Likewise, a great and wonderful gift you can give is to fan into flame the spirit
 that is in another. Rekindling someone's flame is an important task we perform, for few of us can go it all alone.

The greatest weapon against darkness is, 
and always has been light.
 Even one small light is stronger than the darkness.

Angels have always played a central role in apocalyptic, end time scenarios.
Although God may issue the commands, it is His angels that carry out the tasks.

Hope is always
Sometimes it seems that all the news is bad. 
Sometimes it seems that the world around
 you is tumbling hopelessly downhill and
 there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Yet that is never the case. For the more difficult
 life becomes, the more motivated everyone 
becomes to make real,substantial, positive 

Nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Because 
when situations become difficult, people 
become determined.

And when enough people become determined
 enough, good and positive and valuable 
things begin to happen. 

Hope, which may have previously been nearly
 impossible to see, begins tospring into action.

When the darkness becomes unbearable, someone 
will step forward and shine a light. And that light 
will inspire others, and others, and others.
Hope is always there. 
The more it is needed, the more
powerful and effective it grows.

Ralph Marston

Little Angels
When God calls little children to dwell with him above,
We mortals sometime question the wisdom of His love.
For no heartache compares with the death of one small child,
Who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild.
Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to His fold,
So he picks a rosebud before it can grow old.
God knows how much we need them, so he takes but a few,
To make the land of heaven more beautiful to view.
Believing this is difficult still somehow we must try, 
The saddest words mankind knows will always be ‘Goodbye’.
So when a little child departs, we who are left behind,
Must realize God loves children, 
Angels are hard to find.

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible! 

Pretend That You Are 
A Star

And Poke A Hole In Someones Darkness

Hope Nicole was joined by her Great Grandmother,
Alice M. Boyd on April 27th, 2007
IIn Loving Memory Of  Ruby Annette McDowell
February 2, 1987 ~ May 13, 2007
~ In the loving arms of the angels ~
As we were awaiting Hope's arrival I painted yellow stars in the bedroom that we were fixing up for her nursery. Much later after we lost our precious little bundle I found this image on the internet.....
In my heart I'll always believe the angels were at work. & I was meant to find it as a sign telling me she ok.